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Human identity revolution

From death consciousness to life consciousness!

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Human self—our greatest blind spot

Let's start the revolution with a simple paradigm shift!​


  • I feel overjoyed.

  • I feel so angry.

  • Do they accept me?


When asked who is behind these statements, most people would assume it's the same person expressing different emotions or states. However, the truth is that three distinct entities are speaking through the same body.


  • Understanding this breakthrough perspective requires genuine self-knowledge, and that takes time, effort, and a few miracles.


For millennia, humanity has lived in ignorance of its true nature and the forces that shape it. But this ignorance ends now, as we live in a time when the truth will finally emerge.


  • For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. — Luke 12:2-3 (NKJV).


The truth about who we really are is shocking and very difficult to accept. Only a select few can face and overcome this challenge. 

Those human hybrids who remain stuck in autopilot (mechanical) life will become replaceable by machines, artificial intelligence, and soon, synthetic human-like robots or worse.


This is a terrible alternative, but it's true.

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