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The career illusion!


1. Career is only the first step

In a Darwinian society, every person will encounter a fundamental problem: How to survive? What strategy shall I choose? Have you chosen the path of modern career? If so, at some point you will find yourself asking the same questions that millions of professionals ask all the time:


  • Why does my career work but not my private life?

  • Why do I still feel unfulfilled?

  • Why do I suffer, what's wrong with me?

  • What should I do with the second part of my life?

  • Why do I feel so bored, burnt out, or even depressed?


You can visit the greatest psychologist on the planet, visit a guru in the Himalayas, pray to Jesus all day long, and you won't find a real answer or solution to such dilemmas. They do not exist within the human prison reality, only outside. 


  • If you have reached the third stage of your career, you are ready to step outside ... Good luck!


2. The promise of career


Every great religion must promise something of great value, but beyond the current reach of an individual. The prospect of a great career inflames the imagination of so many, but why? It is one simple belief that makes a career the greatest religion on Earth. This is it:


  • A great life can be created here on earth! All you need is a good career.


Who doesn't want to have a good life? Who is capable of resisting their tempting banner of success, power, prestige, and social standing? Who would resist the ancient siren in modern disguise?

3. The beginning of career


The college years are great fun, but all that matters is what happens later. The initial stages of a career vary. If a man goes well, a career quickly opens the door to new life experiences. Others need to wait a bit or work harder, but eventually, they too will find new people and challenges that match their hopes and capabilities.


Those who are not afraid to jump into the sea of professional experiences will find the risk and thrill of fierce competition. Everyone wants to climb the social ladder.


Is this not what a good career is all about? 


4. The law of career

Every career is governed by the same basic law.

It doesn't matter if it is the career of a beautiful actress, a policeman, a politician, or a scientist. This is a very powerful law:


  • When our career grows, we grow!

This dynamic seems to be very natural. We learn new skills, gain clients, and engage in various projects. The more, the better we are. After some time, the first fruits of our hard work appear.

Our salaries grow; there comes a promotion and more responsibility. More prestige adds to our social growth. Our circle of friends and professional contacts extends. If our career flourishes, so do we. Many people envy us, and we feel appreciated by our family and friends. The religion of career just works, and so do we. Is this not great?

5. The meaning of life 


Career gives our lives direction, goals, next steps. It supports our personal goals. It gives us a sense of security and hope. We can plan our future.


  • Career leads to freedom, right?  


This conclusion seems to be so natural. Therefore, in the early stages of career, there is only one way - forward. It's just common sense.


Life speaks for itself. How often do we hear about dramas of people losing their jobs?


  • A good career is a good thing, no doubt about it. 



Family on Digital Tablet


The law of career

6. The first crack

Of course, life is not black or white. A career has its shadow sides. Everyone encounters nasty people and obstacles. There are times of fatigue, stress, problems at home, conflicts, or even boredom. But this is just part of life. Everyone suffers from time to time. There is no free ride.

We need to be practical and strong. All upcoming bills and mortgages must be paid in full. Kids need to go to school, and that costs.

All such thoughts are justified as they point to real problems. A good career helps us combat these everyday obstacles and challenges. A mature person will embrace the good and shadow sides of a career. 


  • It's gonna be okay. Let's move on!

7. The false happiness 


Have you arrived at your bliss already?


  • It will pass.

  • There is nothing you can do about it.


However, the experience of the illusion of true happiness can be priceless, later. 



8. The law of career stops working 


At some point, the fundamental premise and promise of a career break. The invisible link between external growth and the sense and feeling of personal growth simply does not work anymore.


Above a certain threshold, an increase in earnings, another recognition, or simply an increase in the career does not translate into improved well-being and life satisfaction. 


But why exactly?


Are you ready to step out of your illusions and know the truth? Are you sure? Our video: Why the coming Apocalypse, can help.


9. The shadow of career


Why do so many dive headfirst into their careers, full of zest and hope, only to hit their forties and feel like their life force has been sucked dry? They'll be left feeling depleted, with their will to live fading fast. So many will spiral into depression or professional burnout.


  • How is it that so many, instead of growing and blossoming, become addicted to alcohol, sex or drugs?

  • Some take on even more work to kill the inner feelings of emptiness, bitterness or dissatisfaction and end up as workaholics. But why?

  • Why do so many become lifeless (corporate) stock, ripe for replacement by younger and stronger people? 

  • How is it that a career that offers so much becomes a deadly trap? 


If this is your reality, you have a big problem! And you're not alone in it!


© FTC Harvest


The first challenge

Watch this video as it describes different forms of the illusion of positive change.


Try to pinpoint your current circle of change, which you confuse with real life.

White Structure

Career is only the first step

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